Electronic books

The library of the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences has an extensive range of subject-relevant licensed e-books for you to choose from
The media offer of the Ludwigshafen University Library includes a constantly growing number of e-books (which are usually electronic parallel editions of printed books) and other full texts of different formats, providers and with different terms of use and technical requirements for use.
How to find our e-books
A large part of the licensed e-books we offer (most e-books from Springer, titles licensed via ProQuest, Ciando or Content Select, and many more) are listed in our library catalog (OPAC). The links in the catalog records of the individual titles will take you directly to the full texts.
Please note, however, that by no means all full texts that you can use via our library can be found in the OPAC!
Find and use full-text databases with e-books in DBIS, Springer e-books via miliBib eOPAC from Missing Link.
You can search and use all licensed full texts via the databases that contain them. - Our database information system (DBIS) gives you information about all full-text databases with content that we have licensed (campus or national license), including those that contain e-books.
Access to licensed full texts
Access to the e-book full texts is possible on all computers connected to the campus network of the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences.
Non-university members can only use our licensed e-books on the designated PCs in the library.
University members can access most licensed e-books (including those from Springer) from home or on the road after setting up a private network client (VPN) and authenticating via VPN.
Instructions for setting up the VPN client are available on the corresponding page of our IT Service Center.
To use our e-book full texts licensed via ProQuest, university members can set up an account once. They then log in to the ProQuest platform - both within and outside the university's IP address range - using their user name and password, after which they can access the e-books.
You have free access to our e-books licensed through the aggregator Ciando on campus via IP authentication. In order to use Ciando e-books outside the university, a user account is required. As a university member, you can create this account as described in our instructions. Afterwards, you log in to the Ciando platform outside the IP address range of the university with your university email address and password and can then access the e-books.
To access a few parts of our e-book offer, authentication via our library catalog ("Log in" function) with the login data (user number on the StudiCard or guest card or the employee ID of the Ludwigshafen School of Business and Society + password) is required.
Terms of use
When using our electronic resources subject to licensing, please observe copyright law and, in addition, the terms of use of the respective providers.
Propose e-books for licensing
If you are missing specialist publications in our collection and would like to read them digitally, please let us know your wishes via our acquisition suggestion form on our website. If possible, we will then make the books available digitally.
We will be happy to answer any questions and provide assistance in connection with the use of our e-books, also by telephone or online information.
If you encounter technical problems when using the VPN client, please contact our IT Service Center.