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Scientific work and literature management

Whether it's a term paper or your bachelor's thesis - writing scientific papers places very special formal demands on you. With the right techniques, you can make your scientific work more efficient. This also includes the question of correct citation. Literature management programs make your work easier.

Techniques of scientific work

  • Guide to scientific work
    Work aid for students, revised and supplemented edition 2017
  • Lotse-Tutorials (on Youtube)
    Eleven tutorials on the following topics: Using the Internet, Search Strategies, Databases / Subject Bibliographies, Web of Science, Citing and Avoiding Plagiarism, published by Münster University and State Library.
  • Locating, Citing, Documenting: Research Data in the Social Sciences and Economics
    The brochure published by the ZBW, German National Library of Economics Leibniz Information Center for Economics, GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences and the RatSWD, Council for Social and Economic Data provides basic information on finding, documenting and archiving quantitative research data in the social sciences and economics
  • Online Tutorial Information Competence
    The online tutorial of the WG Information Competence provides basic knowledge on how to prepare and conduct a literature search as well as how to obtain and process information in a concise form
  • Social sciences FAQ
    Online research in the social sciences: sociology, political science, history, education, psychology, economics, geography, and ethnology - Tutorial and web resources for students and academics
  • Social sciences FAQ
    Online research in the social sciences: sociology, political science, history, education, psychology, economics, geography, and ethnology - Tutorial and web index in a minimalist way, so that only the essentials are presented
  • The Search Primer
    How to find information on the Internet?
  • Tips on study techniques and learning methods
    Extensive guide from the Central Student Advisory Service at Bielefeld University

The form of scientific work

  • Theses and other academic papers
    Prof. Dr. Wolf-Fritz Riekert from HDM Stuttgart offers a document template for designing academic papers with MS Word in his thesis.
  • Colourbox Education (campus license)
    This license gives members and students of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society access to millions of images, illustrations and videos, each with 30 free downloads per month for research and education. Further information can be found on the Image Rights website.
  • Quotation and manuscript
    Work aid for writing economic papers by Fred G. Becker

Quote correctly

    Literature management programs

    • With Citavi Team, students, professors, and employees of the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences have free access to a program for convenient literature management at the workplace and at home.
      University members can request their personal license key for the full version of the program (otherwise subject to a charge) at www.citavi.com/hs-lu.
      Initial information on the functions and use of Citavi can be found in our Citavi brief introduction (PDF). For more information and help on using Citavi, please use our page E-Learning, Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten -> Literature management with Citavi.
    • Citavi free
      Free program for your literature management with citation-, keyword-, and finding management as well as tools for the work-sharing literature processing in a team.
    • Mendeley
      Free literature management program in English with integrated social network for collaborative literature editing in teams
    • Zotero
      Free program in English language for your literature management with citation-, keyword-, and location management as well as tools for the collaborative literature editing in a team
    • Literature management programs in comparison - Comparison of Reference Management Software
      The "Software Comparison Literature Management", available in its 8th update (as of June 2020), provides an overview of the various functions, operation and licensing/price models of literature management programs.
      The following applications are considered: Bibsonomy, Citavi, EndNote, JabRef, Mendeley, Papers, literature management in MS Word and Zotero.
    • Literature management programs at a glance
      M. Adam, K. Hoffmann, J. Musiat, S. Rahm, M. Stöhr, Chr. Wenzel, SLUB Dresden; as of July 2018
      A comparison of the literature management programs Zotero, Citavi, Mendeley, RefWorks, EndNote and JabRef with the criteria: General and installation, import / export variants, data input and editing, display and search, citation and bibliography, cooperation, knowledge organization, special features and support.




    What's new in Citavi 6.2
    YouTube video (1:35 minutes)