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Teaching information literacy

Information literacy is the basis for successful study and lifelong learning. Teaching them is one of our important tasks.

For this reason, we regularly offer our students introductory courses in library use at the beginning of the first semester, and to all other interested parties by appointment.

On request, we provide in-depth, target-oriented training on catalog research and on literature and information retrieval via subject-relevant databases.

With the compilation of autodidactic aids (online tutorials, etc., see our E-Learning page), we support our customers in familiarizing themselves with the use of our offers in a flexible manner in terms of time and location. 

If required, we also support research for specialist literature and information on a case-by-case basis.

We are also happy to attend courses on scientific work in order to provide qualified support for the teaching of information literacy.




Central Library,
Specialized Library for
Social and Health Sciences
Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4,
Building C, first floor
D-67059 Ludwigshafen

+49 (0)621/5203-141bibliothek@hwg-lu.deÖffnungszeiten Central Library

Library at the East Asia Institute,
Specialized Library Economies of the Countries of East Asia
Rheinpromenade 12,
2nd floor
D-67061 Ludwigshafen

+49 (0)621/5203-420bibliothek@oai.deÖffnungszeiten Library OAI