Interlibrary loan
The use of the library implies the acceptance of the library regulations (only available in German) and fee regulations.
Learning and studying in the library
You will find workplaces at all our libraries, where you can conduct your research and work in a quiet atmosphere and connect your own electronic devices.
To register for borrowing privileges, you will be asked to fill in a registration form.
When registering students are asked to present their StudiCards and a certificate of study. Non-members of the university are asked to present either their residence permits or German identity cards. Non-members will receive a guest card in return for the one-time payment of a fee. After registration, you will need your StudiCard or guest card to borrow material from the library.
Borrowing materials
Most items in our holdings may be borrowed. The East Asia Institute Library, however, is a reference library, which means that the material in this collection can only be used in the library.
Students, employees and teaching staff of the university can borrow up to a maximum of 80 items at a time and non-members of the university up to a maximum of 40 items at a time.
Loan periods
The loan period is 28 days. There is a reduced loan period of 14 days for books which have been reserved more than once. The loan period for bound journals is 7 days.
You may consult your user account (Link: Borrower Card) in our online catalogue (OPAC) to see the due dates of the material you have borrowed. Additionally, you will automatically receive a notification by email free of charge reminding you of the due date shortly before an item is due.
Renewals are allowed except in the case of reservations. Students may renew items up to a maximum of eight times and non-members of the university up to a maximum of five times.
You can renew items on your own through your user account (Link: Borrower Card) up to three days before the due date. In exceptional cases, renewals can be made by telephone or email.
If you require an item that is on loan (which can be gleaned from the list of copies of the item on the online library catalogue), you may reserve it. Just click on "hold request" in the list of copies and then provide your user number and password in your user account.
Your reservation will simultaneously remove the renewal privilege of the borrower for this particular item.
As soon as the item is returned, you will automatically be notified by email. The item will be kept for you for a period of one week.
Library charges
The use of the library is generally free of charge. In certain cases, however, fees are charged for particular services, such as interlibrary loans and fines apply in the case of overdue materials.
Overdue fines can be avoided by renewing items in time or returning them before they become overdue.
The most important charges are as follows:
Fees: | |
Fee per interlibrary loan for university members | € 3.00 |
Fee per interlibrary loan for non-university members | € 4.50 |
Guest cards for non-members of the university | € 20.00 |
Overdue fines: | |
1st reminder per item by email | € 1.20 |
2nd reminder per item by email | € 1.20 |
3rd reminder per item by email | € 2.50 |
4th reminder per item* | € 2.50 |
*Postage costs apply to the fourth reminder |
Library services
Purchase recommendations
What do you do if you cannot find a particular book, DVD, etc. in our holdings or you see that there are not enough copies of an item in our library? You can make a purchase recommendation.
If we are unable to purchase the item you requested, you may borrow it from another library using the inter-library loan service.
Inter-library loans
What do you do if you need literature which is not available in our holdings and cannot be purchased for the library?
Using inter-library loans you can borrow nearly every kind of literature from other libraries, be it books, journal articles or parts of books.
Please note that there are fees associated with the use of inter-library loans. Fees are only payable if the items are actually delivered.
For further information about inter-library loans, please contact one of our library staff members.
Citavi reference management program
The Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society has acquired a license for Citavi, the literature management program (
Citavi allows you to manage your literature, research in specialized databases and library catalogs, process the content of literature, collect and structure quotations, organize knowledge, draft texts, plan tasks and create automatic bibliographies using the citation style of your choice.
To find out more about Citavi, just use the links below:
Request the license key for the full version (for members of the university)
You need literature that is neither available in our university library nor can be acquired for its holdings?
No problem - whether books, sections of books or journal articles, (almost) any desired literature can be obtained from other libraries via interlibrary loan!
Members of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society can use this service, as well as external borrowers who are authorized to borrow from us. - The only requirement is a valid user card from the university library.
Frequently asked questions about interlibrary loan and our answers:
- What can be ordered through interlibrary loan?
- What does an interlibrary loan order cost?
- How do I place an interlibrary loan order?
- How long does it take for literature ordered via interlibrary loan to arrive at our university library?
- How do I know that the literature I ordered has arrived?
- How do I receive the literature I have ordered?
- How long can I borrow books ordered through interlibrary loan?
- Can I extend the loan period for interlibrary loans?
- Who can help me?
What can be ordered via interlibrary loan?
You can use the interlibrary loan service to order books, book chapters, articles from books and journals as well as other media that are not available in our university library or in another local library.
The legal basis of the interlibrary loan service, the Interlibrary Loan Regulations (PDF) in the version applicable to North Rhine-Westphalian libraries, regulates which titles you should not order via interlibrary loan. In addition to literature available in the university library (even if it is currently on loan or can only be used in person), these are ...
- Publications that you can access in electronic form,
- Materials that are available in bookshops for less than € 15,- or cost more than € 200,- and
- hobby and entertainment literature.
If you nevertheless order such titles, you will be charged an increased fee.
Loose-leaf editions, large formats, valuable holdings, patent specifications, diploma, master's and state examination theses are generally not placed on interlibrary loan.
Finally, we would like to point out that it is unfortunately not possible to send copies in electronic form due to § 53a of the Copyright Act.
What does an interlibrary loan request cost?
For an interlibrary loan order that could be successfully executed, the processing fee is € 4,50. Students and other beneficiaries will be charged the reduced fee of € 3,00 per interlibrary loan order. Upon receipt of materials ordered through interlibrary loan, your user account will be charged the appropriate amounts.
Please pay interlibrary loan fees when picking up the ordered media. This is only possible without cash using the multifunctional electronic chip card(StudiCard, employee ID, guest card) of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society.
You can recharge your chip card at rechargers in the Ernst-Boehe-Straße, B-Building, as well as in the library Maxstraße, also at the cash desks of the cafeterias at our locations Ernst-Boehe-Straße and Maxstraße.
How do I place an interlibrary loan request?
You can independently place your interlibrary loan orders online via the Digital Library.
For each online order you need a so-called transaction number (TAN). We will be happy to send you TANs by e-mail upon request .
Alternatively, you can submit your interlibrary loan requests to us at (e.g. via our Online Information Service) and we will then take care of the orders.
If the item you want via interlibrary loan cannot be provided by any of the identified holding libraries, we will notify you by email.
How long does it take for literature ordered through interlibrary loan to arrive at the university library?
The delivery times are very different. Please assume an average delivery time of two to three weeks. However, significantly shorter or longer delivery times are also possible.
How do I find out about the arrival of the literature I ordered?
We will notify you by e-mail when the ordered medium is ready for you to pick up.
By what means do I obtain literature provided for me?
You can borrow or take away the media provided for you and the copies of articles intended to remain with you at the pick-up location you have chosen. Please note the opening hours of the respective library.
Literature received via interlibrary loan is available for you to pick up for seven working days at .
How long can I borrow books ordered through interlibrary loan?
Since the loan period for interlibrary loan is determined by the lending library, there is no fixed rule. In most cases, the loan period is four weeks; however, it can also be significantly shorter under certain circumstances.
You can check your user account in the online library catalog of the Ludwigshafen School of Business and Social Sciences to find out when you have to return the media you received via interlibrary loan.
Can loan periods be extended for interlibrary loans?
In general, the loan period for media obtained via interlibrary loan can be extended once, but you cannot do this independently via your user account.
Please contact us a few days before the return date with your request to extend the loan period (e.g. via our online information service). We will then ask the lending library whether an extension is possible and arrange it if necessary.
Who can help me?
If you have any further questions or problems regarding interlibrary loans, please contact the staff at the two collection locations in person, by telephone, or by e-mail (you are welcome to use our online information service):
Central Library | Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4, Building B, Ground floor | +49 (0) 621/5203 - 141 Bibliothek@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 |
Branch library Department IV | Maxstrasse 29, Ground floor | +49 (0) 621/5203 - 511 |