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You have searched in our Online Library Catalog (OPAC) , but you are still looking for the "right" book? You want to find out which materials (books, data carriers, e-books ...) are still available on your current topic beyond the media offer of our university library?

With the following compilation of access to catalogs of selected libraries locally and in the region as well as to union catalogs and metacatalogs we would like to support you in your further research.

What you find in the catalogs below can usually be ordered via interlibrary loan. If necessary, you can also visit the owning library in person and borrow or use the required literature on site. And of course, you can also suggest media for acquisition that you have identified and that we do not have in our collection.

Catalogs of selected libraries locally and in the region

In our digital library (DigiBib) you can search regional catalogs simultaneously using a search mask.

Composite and meta catalogs

hbz union catalog

In the hbz union catalog you can search the holdings of all union libraries of the Hochschulbibliothekszentrum des Landes NRW (hbz) in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate . The holdings of our library are also listed here.

We obtain most of our interlibrary loans from the academic, public and special libraries in the hbz lending region via the  hbz online interlibrary loan service.

Digital Library (DigiBib)

With the DigiBib metasearch you can, among other things, search several union catalogs and the catalog of the German National Library simultaneously via a search mask. To do this, you can use the Digibib search plugin .

Following a search, you have the option of online interlibrary loan orders for books, sections of books and journal articles.

Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog (KVK)

The Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog (KVK) provides a uniform search interface for all German union catalogs, the German National Library, a selection of international library and union catalogs, and some book trade directories, among others.

Virtual Catalog Theology and Church (VThK)

The Virtual Catalog Theology and Church (VThK) is a metacatalog that enables simultaneous research in the catalogs of ecclesiastical-scientific libraries in Germany and Austria via a uniform search interface. It offers a search plugin.

Periodicals Database (ZDB)

National compound database for title and holdings records of journals and newspapers.

Important catalogs in the region and beyond:

Primo, online catalog of the UB Mannheim

Digital Library (DigiBib)
(with the possibility of online interlibrary loan of researched books, sections from books and journal articles)

Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog (KVK)