Online library catalog (Primo)
Our Primo library catalog contains all
- books and loose-leaf publications,
- journal volumes and issues,
- e-books,
- CD-ROMs, DVDs and AV media
of the branch libraries of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society can be searched together.
If a medium you require is currently on loan (which you can see from the copy data of the medium), you have the option of reserving it for loan. To do this, log in to your user account with your user number and password.
If you are missing a particular book, DVD ... in our collection, you are welcome to make us a suggestion as to what you would like to borrow. Please also let us know if you think that the number of copies of a book in our collection needs to be increased.
You can also search our e-books in our Primo.
Our list of print journals and our Electronic Journals Library (EZB) will tell you which current journals you have access to in print and electronic form.
Our Library from A to Z page provides information about our range of print newspapers and our Electronic Newspapers page about the e-newspapers to which you have access.
You can find all the databases available to you in our database information system (DBIS).
Please note: To access full texts of licensed e-journals from outside the university campus, browse our eOPAC and read our e-books or search in licensed databases, you need VPN access.
Online library catalogue
All the …
- Books and loose-leaf collections,
- Bound and unbound journals,
- E-books,
- CD-ROMs, DVDs and audio-visual material
available in our holdings may be found on our online library catalogue (OPAC = Online Public Access Catalogue).
To determine whether certain books, DVDs, etc. are in our holdings, simply conduct a search by name of author, title or ISBN number. Using key words is also helpful to find literature relating to a certain topic.
Under Online Resources you will find information about accessing our databases, e-books and e-journals.
Further catalogues
What do you do if you do not find the 'right' book on our online library catalogue (OPAC), or you want to find information beyond that what is available in our holdings?
The Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog (KVK) and the DigiBib are important search portals for your further research. Using standardized search interfaces, both meta-catalogues allow you to carry out research in many collections simultaneously.
Items that you find from other libraries through DigiBib can generally be obtained through interlibrary loan. In certain cases you may wish to personally go to the library to borrow or inspect the items in question. Of course, you may also make a purchase recommendation for items not in our holdings.
Printed journals are listed alphabetically under list of printed journals (only available in German). For each journal entry you will receive information about the journals we have as well as their location and call numbers.
You will receive more detailed information about the individual journals via the direct links from the journal titles for the individual entries on our online catalogue.
Individual journals from the current year at the Central Library and the Social Work and Healthcare Library generally may not be borrowed. A reduced lending period of seven days applies to those bound journals that may be borrowed.
Journals from the East Asia Institute Library are generally not available for lending.
For information on electronic journals, please see e-journals or look directly on our online portal.
Please use relevant databases for a systematic search for journal articles.