Electronic media

The wide range of electronic resources available to you, we would like to present on our pages ...
- Electronic books,
- Electronicjournals,
- Electronicnewspapers and
- databases
to give you a better understanding.
For information on accessing licensed online resources from off-campus, please visit our Access to Licensed Digital Resources page.
On our E-Learning page, you will find a collection of digital media designed to support you in becoming familiar with important tools for literature and information research and with the requirements of scientific work in a self-study environment that is flexible in terms of time and location.
In addition to our printed materials, you can access a wide range of electronic resources, namely e-books, e-journals and databases.
You may use our licensed, campus-wide offering
- on campus on all university PCs,
- campus-wide on your own devices using wireless lan, and
- off campus using VPN.
Note: To manage your references, university members can take advantage of Citavi reference management program.
You can find e-books through
- our online library catalogue (OPAC) or
- e-book databases or databases including e-books.
Finding and opening e-books on our online library catalogue (OPAC)
Use the online library catalogue to determine if a certain e-book is available in our library (search by name and title) or to find out which e-books relate to a specific topic (search by key words).
By linking your search to the key word 'e-book' you narrow the results to include only e-books. To gain access to the full text, simply click on the e-book you are interested in and then on the 'URL' shown.
Using e-book databases or databases including e-books
Click here to get a complete list of e-book databases or databases including e-books on our Database Information System (DBIS).
You will find all the scholarly journals in digital form which generally offer full text access under Electronic Journals Library (EZB). They include resources, which are freely available on the internet, as well as commercial products.
The traffic lights beside the title give you information regarding the accessibility of the text:
- Green light: freely accessible,
- Yellow light: freely accessible to members of Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, and
- Red light: not accessible.
There is a wide selection of databases available for researching bibliographic data and searching for full texts (articles, e-books, etc.), information and portals.
Our Database Information System DBIS (German user interface) allows you to conveniently search through all the databases that are licensed campus-wide as well as numerous databases which are freely available on the internet.
Here you can click on Business Management and health economics, Social work and healthcare or International Business Management and East Asian Languages and Cultures to get a list of the most relevant databases on our Database Information System (DBIS).
DigiBib is another valuable tool for gaining access to databases. (link: Additional E-Media).
We would like to help you be more flexible in terms of time and place in your self-learning programme, possibly in addition to the training and courses we offer, by making you familiar with important tools for literature and information research. Thus, we have collected numerous digital media about the use of different important databases for you on the E-Learning (only available in German) page.
Media in English on the e-learning page is marked appropriately.