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With the following collection of digital media for use

we would like to support you in familiarizing yourself with important tools for literature and information research and with the requirements of academic work in a flexible manner in terms of time and location through self-study, possibly in addition to our training and advisory services.

Videos introducing the use of the library services of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society

In three videos we would like to introduce you to the use of our university library services.
The first video deals with the account functions and the research options of our library catalog. The second video shows you how to find the print journals and e-journals we have available for you. The third video deals with systematic searches for (article) literature in academic databases.

Media for the use of individual databases

BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine)

  • RefHunter - Manual for Literature Searches in Health Databases (PDF) (German)
    Scientific staff of the Institute of Health and Nursing Science at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Institute of Applied Nursing Science at the University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen have created RefHunter, a manual for literature searches in health databases. It is intended to help users to find their way around the peculiarities of various databases and to develop search strategies appropriate to the database. For this purpose, a tabular overview of the basic and special functions with explanations and examples was created for each database - including the freely accessible, interdisciplinary article and full text database BASE for .

Beck online

Brill online

British Medical Journals

CAJ - China Academic Journals


  • Webinar - In the approximately one-hour Webninar, held by Dr. Andreas Lauterbach, Pflegewissenschaftler and managing director with hpsmedia GmbH, it goes (beginning starting from minute 01:45) in the first 23 minutes  first around the increase of available specialized information, around the artificial intelligence used in search machines and data bases as well as around Fake News and truth in search results. This is followed by information on how to plan a literature search, before an introduction to the literature search in CareLit using the tools offered there, such as operators, index, keywords, etc., is given from about minute 26:35.
  • RefHunter - Manual for literature research in specialized databases in the field of health (PDF) (German)
    Scientific staff of the Institute for Health and Nursing Science at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Institute for Applied Nursing Science at the University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen have created RefHunter, a manual for literature research in specialized databases in the field of health. It is intended to help users to find their way around the peculiarities of various databases and to develop search strategies appropriate to the database. For this purpose, a tabular overview of the basic and special functions with explanations and examples was created for each database - including the CareLit specialist bibliography and full-text database for .


  • Webinar (just under 1 hour) - Georg Vogtherr, Master of Library and Information Science and EBSCO Customer Training Specialist, provides information about the content of CINAHL, ways to search the database, and how to save, print, cite, export ... of search results. The main part of the training is the live demonstration of the search strategies and the various options of narrowing down hit sets. The focus is on searching via the CINAHL Subject Headings (CINAHL Subject Groups).

  • RefHunter - Manual for Literature Searches in Health Databases (PDF) (German)
    Scientific staff of the Institute of Health and Nursing Science at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Institute of Applied Nursing Science at the University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen have created RefHunter, a manual for literature searches in health databases. It is intended to help users to find their way around the peculiarities of various specialist databases and to develop search strategies appropriate to the database. For this purpose, a tabular overview of the basic and special functions with explanations and examples was created for each database - including the specialist bibliography and full-text database CINAHL for .

  • Basic Searching from EBSCOhost (4 min) (English)
  • Advanced Searching from EBSCOhost (4 min) (english)
  • EBSCO Tutorials

CNE - Certified Nursing Education : Continuing education and knowledge for nursing.

The Cochrane Library

  • RefHunter - Manual for Literature Searches in Health Databases (PDF) (German)
    Scientific staff of the Institute of Health and Nursing Science at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Institute of Applied Nursing Science at the University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen have created RefHunter, a manual for literature searches in health databases. It is intended to help users to find their way around the peculiarities of various databases and to develop search strategies appropriate to the database. For this purpose, a tabular overview of the basic and special functions with explanations and examples has been created for each database - including the specialist bibliography and full-text database Cochrane Library for .
  • Wiley Online Library User Guide of the Wiley publishing house in PDF format (English)
  • Search Help of the Cochrane Collaboration (English)

DeGruyter Online

German Education Server

  • RefHunter - Manual for Literature Searches in Health Databases (PDF) (German)
    Scientific staff of the Institute of Health and Nursing Science at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Institute of Applied Nursing Science at the University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen have created RefHunter, a manual for literature searches in health databases. It is intended to help users to find their way around the peculiarities of various specialist databases and to develop search strategies appropriate to the database. For this purpose, a tabular overview of the basic and special functions with explanations and examples was created for each database - including the freely accessible portal Deutscher Bildungsserver.

EBSCOhost eBook Collection

Emerald Fulltext Archive Database


  • RefHunter - Manual for Literature Searches in Health Databases (PDF) (German)
    Scientific staff of the Institute of Health and Nursing Science at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Institute of Applied Nursing Science at the University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen have created RefHunter, a manual for literature searches in health databases. It is intended to help users to find their way around the peculiarities of various databases and to develop search strategies appropriate to the database. For this purpose, a tabular overview of the basic and special functions with explanations and examples was created for each database, including the freely accessible specialist bibliography Epistemonikos.

ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)

  • RefHunter - Manual for Literature Searches in Health Databases (PDF) (German)
    Scientific staff of the Institute of Health and Nursing Science at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Institute of Applied Nursing Science at the University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen have created RefHunter, a manual for literature searches in health databases. It is intended to help users to find their way around the peculiarities of various databases and to develop search strategies appropriate to the database. For this purpose, a tabular overview of the basic and special functions with explanations and examples was created for each database - among others for the freely accessible specialist bibliography ERIC.
  • Searching the ERIC database from the Medaille Library (6:61 min) (English)

Pedagogy subject portal

  • RefHunter - Manual for Literature Searches in Health Databases (PDF) (German)
    Scientific staff of the Institute of Health and Nursing Science at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Institute of Applied Nursing Science at the University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen have created RefHunter, a manual for literature searches in health databases. It is intended to help users to find their way around the peculiarities of various databases and to develop search strategies appropriate to the database. For this purpose, a tabular overview of the basic and special functions with explanations and examples was created for each database - including the freely accessible subject portal pedagogy (subject bibliography, portal, full text database).

FIS Education

  • FAQ of the German Institute for International Educational Research (DPF)

GeroLit (Gerontological literature)

  • RefHunter - Manual for Literature Searches in Health Databases (PDF) (German)
    Scientific staff of the Institute of Health and Nursing Science at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Institute of Applied Nursing Science at the University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen have created RefHunter, a manual for literature searches in health databases. It is intended to help users to find their way around the peculiarities of various databases and to develop search strategies appropriate to the database. For this purpose, a tabular overview of the basic and special functions with explanations and examples was created for each database - including the freely accessible specialist bibliography GeroLit.

Google Scholar

  • RefHunter - Manual for Literature Searches in Health Databases (PDF) (German)
    Scientific staff of the Institute of Health and Nursing Science at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Institute of Applied Nursing Science at the University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen have created RefHunter, a manual for literature searches in health databases. It is intended to help users to find their way around the peculiarities of various databases and to develop search strategies appropriate to the database. For this purpose, a tabular overview of the basic and special functions with explanations and examples was created for each database, including the interdisciplinary article and full-text database Google Scholar.

IMF eLibrary

LIVIVO - The search portal for life sciences

  • RefHunter - Manual for Literature Searches in Health Databases (PDF) (German)
    Scientific staff of the Institute of Health and Nursing Science at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Institute of Applied Nursing Science at the University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen have created RefHunter, a manual for literature searches in health databases. It is intended to help users to find their way around the peculiarities of various databases and to develop search strategies appropriate to the database. For each database - including LIVIVO, the freely accessible search portal for life sciences (article database, portal, full text database) - a tabular overview of the basic and special functions with explanations and examples was created.
  • Help index: A to Z
  • Help index: A to Z (English)

MEDLINE (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online) via PubMed

  • RefHunter - Manual for Literature Searches in Health Databases (PDF) (German)
    Scientific staff of the Institute of Health and Nursing Science at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Institute of Applied Nursing Science at the University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen have created RefHunter, a manual for literature searches in health databases. It is supposed to help to find one's way with the peculiarities of different specialized data bases and to develop data base-fair search strategies. For this purpose, a tabular overview of the basic and special functions with explanations and examples was created for each database -  among others for the freely accessible article database and specialist bibliography MEDLINE via PubMed.

NWB database


  • RefHunter - Manual for Literature Searches in Health Databases (PDF) (German)
    Scientific staff of the Institute of Health and Nursing Science at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Institute of Applied Nursing Science at the University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen have created RefHunter, a manual for literature searches in health databases. It is supposed to help to find one's way with the peculiarities of different specialized data bases and to develop data base-fair search strategies. For this purpose, a tabular overview of the basic and special functions with explanations and examples was created for each database -  among others for the freely accessible specialist bibliography and fact database OTseeker.

PEDro : Physiotherapy Evidence Database

  • RefHunter - Manual for Literature Searches in Health Databases (PDF) (German)
    Scientific staff of the Institute of Health and Nursing Science at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Institute of Applied Nursing Science at the University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen have created RefHunter, a manual for literature searches in health databases. It is supposed to help to find one's way with the peculiarities of different specialized data bases and to develop data base-fair search strategies. For this purpose, a tabular overview of the basic and special functions with explanations and examples was created for each database -  among others for the freely accessible subject bibliography PEDro.

Periodicals Archive Online / Periodicals Index Online

  • Tutorials in the Youtube channel on the topics search, evaluation, thesaurus, ... from ProQuest (English)
  • Help from ProQuest


  • PsycINFO: APA Databases Training Videos from the American Psycological Assosiation (English)
  • RefHunter - Manual for literature research in health databases (PDF) (German)
    Scientific staff of the Institute of Health and Nursing Science at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Institute of Applied Nursing Science at the University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen have collaborated on RefHunter , a manual for literature research in health databases. It is supposed to help to find one's way with the peculiarities of different specialized data bases and to develop data base-fair search strategies. For this purpose, a tabular overview of the basic and special functions with explanations and examples was created for each database, including PsycINFO.



  • RefHunter - Manual for Literature Searches in Health Databases (PDF) (German)
    Scientific staff of the Institute of Health and Nursing Science at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Institute of Applied Nursing Science at the University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen have created RefHunter, a manual for literature searches in health databases. It is supposed to help to find one's way with the peculiarities of different specialized data bases and to develop data base-fair search strategies. For this purpose, a tabular overview of the basic and special functions with explanations and examples was created for each database -  among others for the freely accessible PubPsych specialist bibliography.

Regional Business News (via EBSCO host)

Sage Journals Online

User Guide (English)

Science Direct

Social Science Open Access Repository (SSOAR)

  • RefHunter - Manual for Literature Searches in Health Databases (PDF) (German)
    Scientific staff of the Institute of Health and Nursing Science at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Institute of Applied Nursing Science at the University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen have created RefHunter, a manual for literature searches in health databases. It is intended to help users to find their way around the peculiarities of various databases and to develop search strategies appropriate to the database. For this purpose, a tabular overview of the basic and special functions with explanations and examples was created for each database - including the freely accessible resource (subject bibliography and portal) Social Science Open Access Repository (SSOAR) .


  • Video tutorial (downloadable) from the German Central Institute for Social Issues on how to conduct a literature search in the DZI database SoLit in WISO-NET



Taylor & Francis

Web of Science

  • RefHunter - Manual for Literature Searches in Health Databases (PDF) (German)
    Scientific staff of the Institute of Health and Nursing Science at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Institute of Applied Nursing Science at the University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen have created RefHunter, a manual for literature searches in health databases. It is intended to help users to find their way around the peculiarities of various databases and to develop search strategies appropriate to the database. For this purpose, a tabular overview of the basic and special functions with explanations and examples has been created for each database - including the article database and specialist bibliography Web of Science Core Collection for .
  • Online tutorials on the topics of research, evaluation, citation, ... Thematically sorted
  • Web of Science Core Collection Help


  • RefHunter - Manual for Literature Searches in Health Databases (PDF) (German)
    Scientific staff of the Institute of Health and Nursing Science at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Institute of Applied Nursing Science at the University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen have created RefHunter, a manual for literature searches in health databases. It is intended to help users to find their way around the peculiarities of various databases and to develop search strategies appropriate to the database. For this purpose, a tabular overview of the basic and special functions with explanations and examples has been created for each database - including the specialist bibliography, article and full-text database WISO for .
  • WISO quick start of the GBI Genios (3:44 min.)

Media for scientific work

LOTSE videos, cooperatively created by university libraries in Germany and Switzerland.

Using the Internet

  1. Gettingstarted on the Internet (11:07 min)
  2. In the depths of the Internet (14:01 min)

Search strategies

  1. From topic to search terms (14:23 min)
  2. From search terms to literature (12:30 min)

Databases / Subject bibliographies

  1. Why are subject bibliographies useful? (9:46 min)
  2. Essential steps of the search (14:12 min)
  3. Extras and editing hit lists (13:00 min)

Citing and avoiding plagiarism

  1. Plagiarism - (not) a problem? (9:00 min)
  2. Citation rules (16:01 min)

Searching for freely available scientific full texts on the net

Online catalogue – quick search


Central Library,
Specialized Library for
Social and Health Sciences
Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4,
Building C, first floor
D-67059 Ludwigshafen

+49 (0)621/5203-141bibliothek@hwg-lu.deÖffnungszeiten Central Library

Library at the East Asia Institute,
Specialized Library Economies of the Countries of East Asia
Rheinpromenade 12,
2nd floor
D-67061 Ludwigshafen

+49 (0)621/5203-420bibliothek@oai.deÖffnungszeiten Library OAI


Contact information:

Central Library
Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4,
Building B, ground floor
D-67059 Ludwigshafen
   +49 (0) 621/5203-141
bibliothek@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de
Opening hours

Social Work and Healthcare Library
Maxstraße 29
Ground floor
D-67059 Ludwigshafen
   +49 (0) 621/5203-515
bibliothekfb4@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de
Opening hours

East Asia Institute Library
Rheinpromenade 12,
2nd floor
D-67059 Ludwigshafen
   +49 (0) 621/5203-420
foerst@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 oai.de
Opening hours

E-books & Co: Scientific full texts on the Internet:

has five videos on searching for freely available full texts

If you have any questions, please use our ...

Online information