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Library Regulations of the University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen

in the version from 13.05.2022


Part 1 Organization

§ 1 Scope of Application

These regulations govern the organization and use of the University Library of the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences.

§ 2 Structure of the university library

  1. The university library is a central institution within the meaning of § 90 HochSchG.
  2. The Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society Library includes all literature and other information media acquired for education, study, research and further education. This includes holdings owned by the state and by the university, as well as holdings provided to the university for use by third parties.

§ 3 Library Committee

  1. The Library Committee is made up of the following voting members:
    1. one professor from each Department for a term of three years,
    2. the head librarian and the deputy head librarian,
    3. a student representative to be appointed by the University Senate for a period of one year.
    4. a non-library employee to be appointed by the university senate for a period of one year.
  2. The University Senate appoints the Chairperson of the Library Committee.
  3. Meetings are convened and chaired by the Chairperson of the Library Committee. A meeting should take place at least once a semester. At the request of at least three members of the library committee, the chairperson must convene a meeting within four weeks.

§ 4 Tasks of the Library Committee

The tasks of the Library Committee are

  1. Deciding on the use of budget funds allocated for the procurement of literature and other information media,
  2. coordinating procurement requests and monitoring the expansion of the collection to ensure a balanced range of literature and media at the university,
  3. providing data and recommendations for the long-term and annual expansion of the university library in terms of personnel and material resources,
  4. establishing guidelines for the development of the literature stock and other media stocks of the university,
  5. establishing guidelines for introductory courses on library use for students and other users,
  6. the preparation of recommendations for cooperation with other local libraries,
  7. the preparation of a draft or necessary changes and additions to the regulations on the organization and use of the library of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society,
  8. drawing up guidelines for the subject-specific cataloging of literature at the university.

§ 5 Tasks of the University Library

  1. The university library primarily serves the members of its own university. Insofar as this task is not impaired, it also serves third parties with its entire range of media and services, in particular in the service of continuing professional education.
  2. The library of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society procures, catalogs and indexes the entire media stock of the university for education, study, research and further education and makes it available for use.
  3. In addition to providing literature, the university library's tasks include providing information using printed and electronic resources, as well as training in the use of the library's services, media and equipment.
  4. To improve its range of services, it uses external services from other library, information and documentation facilities. It participates in the supra-regional German interlibrary loan system and makes its holdings data available to the network.

§ 6 Selection and procurement of literature

  1. Acquisition proposals for the subjects represented at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society are submitted by the professors of the Departments to the university lecturer responsible for the relevant Department in the University Library Committee or to the Chairperson of the Library Committee, who reviews them and passes them on to the Head Librarian for further processing. The acquisition of library literature is the responsibility of the chairperson of the library committee or an authorized representative, usually the head librarian.
  2. The head librarian of the university library is responsible for the technical aspects of the library and is responsible for handling the acquisition of literature. He or she records the expenditure and prepares interim accounts for the Departments or expenditure groups on behalf of the University Library Committee.

§ 7 Cataloging of literature

The university lecturer responsible for the subject in question, in consultation with the head librarian, decides on the question of literature indexing and the subject classification of the literature.

Part 2 Use

§ 8 Admission and Use

  1. The services of the University Library are available to members of the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences as well as to the general public within the framework specified by § 5, para. 4.
  2. Use of the library is only permitted after registration. Registration must always be made in person. A valid student ID card, identity card or passport must be presented. If the applicant's place of residence is not evident from the ID presented, official proof of residence must also be presented. By using the library, the applicant agrees to comply with the library regulations. The user card, which is handed out upon registration, is non-transferable.
  3. Admission for third parties is granted by the head librarian for presence or full use.
  4. Changes of name and address must be reported to the university library immediately.
  5. At the end of the user relationship, all media borrowed from the library must be returned. Outstanding obligations are to be settled. Students of the University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen will only be de-registered by the Student Secretariat if a confirmation of discharge has been received from the University Library. Professors, lecturers and other university employees must return all borrowed media when leaving the services of the university. The university library also confirms the discharge for this group of persons.

§ 9 Fees

  1. The use of the university library is free of charge. Late fees and interlibrary loan fees are charged on the basis of the state ordinance on fees in the areas of science, further education and research (special fee schedule) of October 24, 2001 (GVBl 2001, 269) as amended.
  2. Late fees are due even without a reminder.
  3. As long as a user is in arrears with the return of media or has not paid late fees or interlibrary loan fees owed, he/she may be excluded from further borrowing.
  4. Upon request, the user must be issued with a receipt for any late fees or interlibrary loan fees paid.
  5. The amount of late fees and interlibrary loan fees and changes to fees are determined by the Senate. A special notice in the University Library provides information on the amount of the applicable late fees and interlibrary loan fees.

§ 10 Opening hours

  1. The opening hours of the University Library are determined by the President of the University in consultation with the Senior Librarian. The rooms of the University Library may only be used during its general opening hours.
  2. The opening hours are announced by notice in the university library and on the library's website.
  3. The University Library may be closed in whole or in part for short periods of time for compelling reasons.

§ 11 Lending on site

  1. The book and journal collections of the University Library are generally offered as open access collections. Substantial parts of the University Library are managed as a reference library.
  2. The loan period is 28 days for all user groups except professors at Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society and can be extended by 28 days for books that have not been ordered in advance. For media that are in high demand, the loan period is shortened to 14 days. Media whose loan period has been extended must be returned at the request of the university library before the loan period expires.
  3. For professors and full-time educators at Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, the loan period is six months. This loan period can be extended once by 28 days. After that, the medium must be returned immediately. If the medium has been ordered in advance, it must be returned within one week after 28 days. Otherwise the current overdraft fees will apply. Assistants who are involved in science and research in a special way (e.g. doctorate) can be granted the lending conditions for professors upon application to the library management.
  4. The lending process is carried out in accordance with the university library's internal work instructions.
  5. Books must be returned to the same circulation desk from which they were collected. This regulation may be deviated from after consultation with the head librarian.
  6. It is not permitted to borrow books in the name of another person.
  7. An audit of the university library usually takes place annually. It is ordered by the President of the University in consultation with the head librarian. At the request of the university library, all borrowed literature and other information media must be returned, unless they are reference collections. These will be checked on the spot.
  8. Literature and other information media from reference collections may be borrowed during the university library's closing times (weekends, public holidays, etc.) with the permission of the head librarian.
  9. Borrowed literature and other information media can be pre-ordered by other users. At the request of the person placing the order, notification can be sent by post at their expense. If a pre-ordered book is not collected within seven days, it will be made available to other users.

§ 12 Restrictions on lending

In addition to the marked reference stock, further media may be excluded from lending. These restrictions will be announced on site.

§ 13 Interlibrary loan

  1. Media that are not available in the library of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society can be ordered by the university library from external libraries in accordance with the regulations applicable to interlibrary loans (interlibrary loan). Loan periods and restrictions on use are governed by the regulations of the lending library.
  2. A processing fee is charged for interlibrary loan orders. Costs charged by the lending libraries in connection with the procurement of ordered works or for copies in interlibrary loan are to be borne by the user.
  3. The user will be notified when the ordered literature has arrived.
  4. Applications for extension of the loan period and requests for special permissions are not to be submitted to the supplying library, but only to the library of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society.
  5. Uncollected items will be returned to the lending library after the loan period has expired at the latest. Copies will be destroyed.
  6. If the library makes its holdings available for external lending, this is done in accordance with the regulations of the applicable lending regulations.

§ 14 Reproduction

When using the reproduction devices provided by the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, the user is responsible for complying with all copyright regulations.

§ 15 Reference collections

  1. The temporary creation of reference collections for specific user groups (e.g. Departments, study and working groups, laboratories, computer centers) is only possible in agreement with the President of the University and the Library Committee. The size of the reference collection must be kept as small as possible and may not exceed 30 volumes. The university library must appoint a person responsible for the proper installation and use of the reference collection. The approval of reference collections may be revoked by the President of the University in consultation with the Library Committee.
  2. Reference collections must be set up in buildings of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society and must also be accessible to other users. The respective location must be specified by the borrower.

§ 16 Project-related books

Books acquired as part of publicly funded projects must be inventoried in the library and signed. They are available to the person responsible for the project without restriction for the duration of the project. At the end of the project, they must be returned to the library collection. If a project is extended beyond the original deadline, the books must be borrowed by the project manager in accordance with the regulations of § 12.

§ 17 Rights and obligations of the user

  1. Users of the University Library have the right to use the media of the University Library within the framework of these regulations.
  2. Every user is obliged to observe these regulations and the regulations issued for their implementation, to identify themselves on request and to follow the instructions of library staff. He or she is liable for any damage resulting from non-compliance with these obligations.
  3. Animals may not be brought into the university library, with the exception of guide dogs or assistance/therapy animals.
  4. Smoking, eating and drinking are not permitted in the University Library, with the exception of water in resealable containers. All reading areas of the University Library must be kept as quiet as possible.
  5. The media in the university library must be handled with care. Underlining, writing and other damage are not permitted. Existing underlining, entries and other damage must be reported to the library staff before borrowing and will be documented by the library staff.
  6. Borrowed media may not be passed on to third parties.
  7. In the event of loss or damage to a medium or other work equipment or items belonging to the University Library, compensation must be paid. As a rule, the University Library will arrange for replacement or repair at the expense of the person liable for damages. If it is not possible to replace or repair a medium, the University Library may have a copy made at the expense of the party liable for damages.
  8. Media and work documents brought in from outside must be clearly visible to the supervisor.
  9. Media removed for use in library rooms must be returned to their location by the user, paying close attention to the shelfmark.
  10. The library committee may decide on further regulations regarding behavior in library rooms.

§ Section 18 Entry into force

The Basic Regulations shall enter into force on the day following their publication in the Rhineland-Palatinate State Gazette. At the same time, the regulations of 16.12.1998 expire.



Prof. Dr. Peter Mudra
The President of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society

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Central Library,
Specialized Library for
Social and Health Sciences
Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4,
Building C, first floor
D-67059 Ludwigshafen

+49 (0)621/5203-141bibliothek@hwg-lu.deÖffnungszeiten Central Library

Library at the East Asia Institute,
Specialized Library Economies of the Countries of East Asia
Rheinpromenade 12,
2nd floor
D-67061 Ludwigshafen

+49 (0)621/5203-420bibliothek@oai.deÖffnungszeiten Library OAI


Contact information:

Central Library
Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4,
Building B, ground floor
D-67059 Ludwigshafen
   +49 (0) 621/5203-141
bibliothek@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de
Opening hours

Social Work and Healthcare Library
Maxstraße 29
Ground floor
D-67059 Ludwigshafen
   +49 (0) 621/5203-515
bibliothekfb4@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de
Opening hours

East Asia Institute Library
Rheinpromenade 12,
2nd floor
D-67059 Ludwigshafen
   +49 (0) 621/5203-420
foerst@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 oai.de
Opening hours