Library from A to Z

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Change of address
Please ensure that the contact and address details in your user account are always up to date. Your correct e-mail address is particularly important, as you will mainly receive notifications from us to your personal e-mail address.
We would like to point out at this point that reminder fees will also be charged if you do not receive reminders and reminders due to outdated data.
You can update the address data in your user account yourself using the "User card" function in our online library catalog (OPAC). Alternatively, you can also inform us of your changed data on site, by telephone or by e-mail and have us update it for you.
Current information
For the latest information on changed opening hours, dates and innovations, please visit the library's homepage .
Our university library is open to everyone. Use and borrowing are free of charge. To register, please complete our registration form.
University members should present their university ID card (payment card, employee or lecturer card), which will also serve as a library card after registration. Lecturers require a certificate from their own Department confirming the duration of their employment, students a current certificate of enrolment or current proof that they are still enrolled at the university at the time of registration. Registration is possible for university members by e-mail if all required documents are scanned on both sides and sent as an attachment.
External students will receive a chip card (guest card) from us for a one-off nominal fee of € 20.00. To register for borrowing, please bring your valid German identity card or your passport/foreign identity card, together with official proof of your current place of residence (not older than six months), in addition to the completed registration form.
By registering, you accept the rules of use of our university library.
... we are happy to receive at any time; if you wish, you can send them to us online via our contact form .
Procurement proposals
As a user of our library, you are welcome to make suggestions for acquisitions. Please check our catalog first to see if the requested item is already available. Then provide us with as complete bibliographical information as possible on the item you require.
You can also send us acquisition requests by e-mail using the New acquisition suggestion form provided.
Address and directions
Postal and visitor addresses for our partial libraries, as well as information on how to get there, can be found on our Library Information page.
Contact details for general information can be found on our Information about the library page, a list of our contact persons at the two library locations can be found on our Library team page.
Workstations for mobile devices
In all sub-libraries you will find workstations with electricity and the possibility of Internet access via a wireless network.
Classification of the collection and indexing (library systematics)
For information on subject classification and the systematic listing of our holdings, please visit our page listing- and indexing-classification.
Our catalog mainly contains independently published literature (books, e-books). To search for literature that has not been published independently (articles in journals, contributions to collective works), please use content-indexing databases. In these databases you can search according to formal and content-related criteria. As a result you will get at least the source (journal or editor's title) in which the searched article was published. You can use our Print Journals Directory, our Electronic Journals Library (EZB) as well as our Online Library Catalog (OPAC ) to check whether our library offers you access to the corresponding (electronic) journal or whether it has the corresponding (electronic) book in its holdings.
Contact details for information requests can be found on ourlibrary information page . Alternatively, you can also use our online information service.
Lending, lending period
The following rules apply to borrowing items from our library's collection:
Items can be borrowed on presentation of a valid library card at the circulation desk or at the self-checkout machine (only available in the Central Library and in the Social and Health Services Library). The majority of our holdings can be borrowed. As a rule, the following items cannot be borrowed:
- Loose-leaf collections
- Journal issues of the current year
- Newspapers
- tests
- Media marked with a red adhesive strip (reference collection)
- Books from semester collections
Reserved media are available for you at the circulation desk.
The loan period is usually 28 days. A shortened loan period of 14 days applies to books that have been reserved several times. Once the loan has been booked, you will receive a receipt with the return due date of the individual items you have borrowed.
The loan period can be extended by a further 28 days as long as no other user has reserved the media unit in question for loan. Borrowed literature and other information media for which the loan period has been extended must be returned at the library's request before the loan period expires.
Renewals can be carried out via the self-service user card function in our online library catalog (OPAC). In the Central Library and in the Social and Health Services Library, you can also extend loan periods at the self-checkout desk available there. In justified exceptional cases, you can arrange renewals by telephone or e-mail.
Please remember to extend loan periods in good time before they expire. This way, if a loan period cannot be extended, you have the opportunity to return the media unit in question on time and without incurring overdue fees (see our fee schedule page).
The loan period for professors at Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society is six months. However, if a media unit has been reserved, it must be returned within one week after 28 days.
The loan period of six months can be extended once by 28 days. At the end of this period, the borrowed item must be returned.
(Loan) status
For each media unit, you will find information on the current availability of the medium in our catalog under "Status" in the copy data. Here are the different statuses, each with an explanation:
On loan | The media item is currently on loan. You can find the end of the loan period in the copy data , as well as the number of reservations already placed on this title. We are open to suggestions for increasing the number of copies of borrowed titles that are in high demand. |
provided | The media unit was reserved for loan and is now available for the person who ordered it at the circulation desk . You can reserve the copy you have reserved, but it is usually only available again after approx. 4 weeks. |
ordered | The item has been ordered for delivery from the bookshop, for example, but has not yet arrived at the library and is therefore not yet available for use . |
at the bookbinder | The journal volume or the book in need of repair is currently with the bookbinder. |
blocked for use | These items are not library property, are not in the library and are not available for use. |
in the circulation | The item has not yet been added to the collection. If you would like to have it reserved for loan, please contact us! |
Reference copy, no loan | Media units with these loan statuses are generally not available for loan or are only available for loan overnight or over the weekend for the duration of a semester. |
Available | The media unit is located in the open access area, can be taken directly from the shelf, used on site or booked in at the circulation desk and taken away. |
Missing | Media with this status have been lost or stolen. If they are found , they are available for use again. |
Lost | The item has been lost and will be deleted from the collection. |
User account
You can access your user account via our library's online catalog. It gives you information about what you have borrowed or reserved, whether and at which of our locations media are available for you and whether fees are due. You can also use your account to independently extend loan periods and delete reservations if necessary.
The catalog function User account requires your authentication. To do this, enter the number of your user ID in the User number field and your password in the Password field.
User group
The library can be used by all members and affiliates of the University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen. Furthermore, our services are also available to guest users according to the usage regulations, § 5 and § 8.
User number
On your user card you will find your user number, which you will need to identify as a registered user of the library if you wish to use the self-service functions of our online library catalog.
Terms of use and fees
Use of the university library is subject to acceptance of our user regulations and our fee regulations.
Provision of media
Borrowed media units marked for loan will be made available for pickup at the circulation desk for one week after return, titles ordered via interlibrary loan will be made available for pickup after receipt. You will be notified immediately by email that you can pick up a staged media unit and at which of our library locations.
Books that have been made available and not picked up within a week will be returned to the open access collection or will be returned to the lending library.
Inventory buildup
The university library provides members of the university with the media required for education, study and research in printed and electronic form. The library's acquisition profile is geared towards this mission.
Library staff and full-time teaching staff cooperate in the selection of media to be acquired. Their joint task is to build up and maintain a collection that balances the interests of study and teaching activities and research projects.
Even with a tight media procurement budget, it must be ensured that
- current textbooks and study literature are sufficiently available for students,
- basic research literature in the subject areas can be acquired,
- reference works are available,
- there is a necessary gradation, as not all scientific literature can be purchased.
In the case of special research literature, careful consideration should be given to whether to purchase it or obtain it via interlibrary loan. This applies in particular to the purchase of journals and the commitment to long-term serials. Duplicate and multiple copies should only be purchased in justified cases, with the exception of textbook collection literature, which is purchased in larger numbers.
Our holdings are freely accessible to the greatest possible extent and are arranged systematically (see our page library systematics). - This allows you, in addition to selecting literature via the online library catalog (OPAC), to search for suitable books directly at the shelf ("shelf-browsing").
For orientation, the large groups are labeled on the front of the shelves. Signs are posted on the shelves for further group subdivision.
For more details on the collection arrangement, please refer to our library introductions.
Inventory development
Record media in the library collection in terms of form and content in order to make them searchable in a variety of ways.
... are bibliographies independent of the existence of the listed literature in a library.
Library in numbers
Key figures for the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society Library and comparisons with other libraries can be found in the German Library Statistics (DBS).
Library Committee
Information on the Library Committee can be found on our User Regulations page at §3 and §4.
Library card
The valid "StudiCard" serves as a library card for students and the employee ID card for employees.
When registering for a loan, external users receive a guest card for a fee, which is required, among other things, to record loans.
Below the barcode on the card is the user number, which is required for identification as a registered library user in order to use the self-service functions of our online library catalog (OPAC).
The card is not transferable.
Please contact us immediately if you lose your library card so that we can block your borrowing account immediately:
Central Library +49 (0) 621/5203-141 bibliothek@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 |
Library Tours
For information, see our Teaching Information Literacy page.
Library Profile
The University Library is an information service provider primarily for the teaching staff and students of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. In addition, it is open to all persons whose activities or interests require its use.
The library's collection focuses on
- Business administration and related fields
- Social work, nursing science and nursing education as well as relevant aspects from related disciplines such as sociology, educational science, psychology, law, medicine, etc.
- Economy of the countries of East and Southeast Asia
Library Services
Information can be found at on our website under the menu item Services & Services.
With Citavi Team, students, professors, and
employees of the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences have free access to a program for convenient literature management at work and at home.
University members can request their personal license key for the full version of the program (otherwise subject to a fee) at
First hints on functions and usage of Citavi can be found in our Citavi short introduction (PDF). For more information and help on using Citavi, please use our page E-Learning, Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten -> Literature management with Citavi.
Computer workstations
PC workstations are available in the sub-libraries for your research of specialized literature and information. For other applications (word processing, etc.), please use computers in the PC pools outside the library.
The StudiCard or the employee card serves as a copy card for university members in the Social and Health Services Library, the guest card serves as a copy card for guests. For the use of the photocopier in the library of the East Asia Institute you can get photocopy cards on site.
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For information about our range of databases and how to use them, please see our Databases page.
In addition, we have systematically compiled the licensed and freely accessible bibliographic, full-text and factual databases relevant to the various Departments on our subject-specific information pages.
Database Information System (DBIS)
The Database Information System (DBIS) is an important and reliable tool for information research in databases. DBIS lists databases that are available for a fee, databases that are available for use under national licenses , and scientific databases that are freely accessible on the web .
For each database there is a description of the content , which you can view for free. However, you can only use paid databases if the library of the University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen has purchased access or if you have registered to use an online service provided under a national license.
The search in DBIS can be carried out, among other things, via a subject overview or via an alphabetical list.
Database training
For information, see our Teaching Information Literacy page.
Database and internet research
PCs are available in all branch libraries for your database and internet searches as well as for printing out research results.
A WLAN wireless network is activated for the use of laptops you bring with you. You can access our licensed online resources from off campus using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). You can find more information on our Access to licensed electronic resources page.
Find out about our range of licensed databases, full-text e-journals and e-books on our Databases, Electronic Journals and Electronic Books pages.
On our pages on subject-related information you will find numerous details for your search and procurement of interdisciplinary and subject-specific literature and information, such as contact persons, subject-relevant databases, collections of links to electronic resources and much more.
Privacy policy
The library of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society stores the following data in its electronic library management system:
- First and last name
- Address, telephone number, e-mail address
- Status (student, external user, education...)
- Borrowing data (issue and return data, number of borrowings ...)
The personal data is used for the administration of transaction data (local loan) and in the case of an interlibrary loan (= at the request of the user) is partly passed on to the lending library (passing on name, user number). Furthermore, personal data may be passed on in the event of dunning proceedings (to the budget department of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society and/or to the Landesoberkasse Mainz) and in the event of criminal proceedings.
After termination of the user relationship, all personal data will be deleted.
We will bring any theft to the attention of the police. We will also request temporary or permanent exclusion from the use of the library.
Digital library (DigiBib)
The Digital Library (DigiBib) is an internet portal for accessing academic information.
Searches are carried out simultaneously in many different information sources (e.g. in library catalogs, specialist databases or full texts) using a uniform interface. The results are displayed with an indication of where and how the information found is available: whether as a printed medium in a library, in electronic form or in online bookshops.
Following the search, you have the option - depending on the type of document - of either accessing the relevant electronic information on your PC or ordering printed information online. Please note the information on our interlibrary loan page.
Document delivery
Literature that we do not have in our collection can be ordered online via interlibrary loan and collected from the branch library specified by .
If you need literature within a maximum of three days and therefore faster than is possible via interlibrary loan, you can also use document delivery services such as Subito or LITexpress. However, you will have to go to another library (e.g. Mannheim University Library) for this, as our library does not order books, articles or other material via these comparatively more expensive services.
DVD videos
... in the holdings of the University Library will be handed out to you at the circulation desk.
DVD videos can be searched in our Online Library Catalog (OPAC) in the search mode "Expert-CCL" and can be limited thematically by adding search terms, e.g. like this: mat=520 and wrd=learns (with "mat=520" you call up DVD videos, the ampersand with "wrd=learns" filters out the hits that contain the word learns ).
Information can be found on our Electronic Books page.
Introductory events
Information can be found on our page Teaching Information Literacy.
With the digital media compiled for you on our E-Learning page, we would like to support you in becoming familiar with important tools for literature and information research and with the requirements of scientific work in self-study, possibly in addition to our training and consulting services, in a flexible manner in terms of time and location.
Electronic journals
Via our Electronic Journals Library (EZB) you have access to electronic scientific journals that are activated in the campus network (and can also be accessed via VPN ) or are generally freely accessible.
Electronic Journals Library (EZB)
Via our Electronic Journals Library (EZB) you can search a large number of international electronic full-text journals on all subject areas and access the full texts of e-journals released in the campus network and of e-journals generally freely accessible on the web. In the case of electronic full-text journals that are not accessible, you often at least have the option of viewing abstracts and tables of contents.
For specific searches of certain electronic journals, please use the simple search offered in the Electronic Journals Library ("quick search" search slot) or the advanced search.
Please note: From outside the campus area, you can only access full-text e-journals that require a license and are activated campus-wide by dialing into the campus network via Virtual Private Network (VPN). You can find out more about VPN on our page External access to electronic resources.
Electronic newspapers
Electronic newspapers to which you have access can be found on our Departmental Information > General / Interdisciplinary Information page under Selected Press Sources, via our Database Information System (DBIS) and via our Electronic Journals Library (EZB).
The last library evaluation took place in 2019. You can get a brief overview of the results in our results flyer. You can view the full results report here.
In the March 2020 issue of our university magazine SPEKTRUM, you will find an essay "Eva(luation) & the tree of knowledge" by library director Torsten Haß on pages 78 to 80, which also discusses the implementation of the measures defined after the evaluation.
Previously, in 2013, the equipment and services of our three sub-libraries were evaluated. Click here to view the report on the results of the user survey in the library of the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences at that time.
External access to licensed digital offerings
University members have the opportunity to use licensed library resources from off-campus.
Library users who do not belong to the university are given access to all online services after registering at the information desk at the library's PC workstations.
For more information, see our page External Access to Licensed Digital Resources.
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Specialized information
For your search and procurement of interdisciplinary and subject-specific literature and information, you will find relevant databases, collections of links to electronic resources and much more on the following subject-related pages.
Interlibrary loan
Information can be found on our Interlibrary Loan page.
Freehand setup
Our book and journal collections are freely accessible as far as possible. This is referred to as open access. The systematic arrangement of the holdings enables you to browse through the holdings groups at "" and discover literature that you were not actually looking for specifically.
For information, see our Teaching Information Literacy page.
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Lockers are available for storing your bags and jackets.
The use of the university library is generally free of charge . However, you will incur costs for interlibrary loan requests and in the case of overdue items. Persons from outside the university need a guest card, which they receive for a one-time fee.
If, due to illness, you were not able to take care of the renewal of loan periods or the timely return of the media you borrowed, we will waive any overdue fines upon presentation of a medical certificate.
For the amount of our fees, please see our feeschedule at Fee schedule.
Since June 2014, library fees can be paid exclusively without cash using the multifunctional electronic chip card(StudiCard, employee ID, guest card) of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. The card can be topped up at cash reloaders in the B-Building on Ernst-Boehe-Strasse (with banknotes only) and at the cafeteria cash desks in the B-Building and on Maxstrasse.
Group Study Room
A group study room with 12 workstations is available in the Department of Social and Health Sciences library. The Central Library does not offer a group study room outside the actual library rooms due to the relocation/renovation phase.
Cell phones must be muted. Cell phone use is prohibited within the library premises.
Information Services
For information, see our Teaching Information Literacy page.
International interlibrary loan
Our university library does not participate actively or passively in international interlibrary loan.
If a book you need that has been published abroad is not available in any German library participating in interlibrary loan, you have the option of having a corresponding interlibrary loan request placed by another library, e.g. the Mannheim University Library, in the international interlibrary loan system.
The holdings of our three sub-libraries are listed in a joint online library catalog (OPAC). You can use the OPAC to find out whether the media you are interested in are currently available or are currently on loan, for example, and to reserve borrowed materials for yourself.
You can also use the OPAC to view your loan account and independently extend loan periods at .
For more information about our catalog, please visit our Online Library Catalog (OPAC) page.
If you would like to learn how to search our catalog on your own, we recommend our video tutorials on Youtube, see our page E-Learning > Library Catalogs > Our Library Catalog (OPAC).
Catalogs of libraries in the region, among others, can be found on our Other Catalogs page, subject-specific catalogs on our Subject-Specific Information pages.
Mailing, delivery, visitor addresses, and telephone and fax numbers can be found on our Library Information page.
Copying and scanning
You can find information on our Copier, Printer, Scanner page.
Site plan
A map makes it easy for you to find the three sub-libraries of the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences.
Reading room
A reading room with 13 workstations is available in the Department IV library. A wireless network is activated for laptops you bring with you.
Literature management
Information and links to tools for literature management can be found on our page Scientific work and literature management.
Loose-leaf collections
Loose-leaf collections are continuously supplemented and are therefore very up-to-date. Loose-leaf works are generally excluded from lending.
Reminders, overdraft fees
Shortly before the loan period expires, we will send you a free e-mail reminder that the items you have borrowed are due for return. This reminder e-mail is an additional service provided by the library, which we offer without guarantee and which does not release you from the obligation to ensure that you return items on time.
Shortly after the loan period has expired, you will receive a first reminder by e-mail , followed by any further reminders at seven-day intervals. The last reminder will be sent by post.
Media replacement
If a medium borrowed by you is lost, please inform us immediately. This will prevent from incurring (further) overdraft fees to be paid by you.
For lost and severely damaged media, we must obtain replacements at your expense .
Since June 2014, media replacement costs can only be paid cashless with the multifunctional electronic chip card(StudiCard, employee ID, guest card) of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. The card can be recharged at rechargers in the B-building on Ernst-Boehe-Strasse (with banknotes only) and at the cafeteria cash desks in the B-building and on Maxstrasse.
Media return box
Media units that you have borrowed from the Department IV - Social and Health Services Library can be returned to the media return box outside the library's opening hours and during the opening hours of the Maxstraße 29 building. The media return box is located in the corridor in front of the Department IV library, to the left of the lockers.
The return box is emptied in the morning before the library opens and the contents are returned. As a user, you are responsible for returning borrowed media on time.
Please do not put any media in the box that you have received via interlibrary loan or borrowed from the Central Library's collection. Please make sure that inserts cannot fall out of books. When the return box is full, it closes automatically. Please do not leave any media in the box. - The borrower is always responsible for returning items; the University Library accepts no liability for damaged or lost media units!
Meta catalogs
Meta-catalogs enable parallel searches in several catalogs.
Employees of the university library
Names, phone numbers, and email addresses of our university library staff, as well as information about their responsibilities, can be found on our Library Team page.
National licenses
In order to sustainably improve the supply of electronic specialized information at German universities, research institutions and scientific libraries, the German Research Foundation (DFG) has been funding the acquisition of national licenses for electronic media since 2004.
On the basis of the Regensburg Union Classification (RVK), which we use for classificatory content indexing, as well as the former systematics of the Central Library or former systematics of the Social and Health Services Library, which were used until 2012, each of our media units in our catalog is indexed with at least one system location = notation. For the structure of the system locations/notations the following:
- A system position of the Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (RVK) consists of two capital letters and a three- to five-digit number sequence.
Example: AK 39540 =General: Science Studies and Science Organization: Introduction to Scientific Work - A system position of the former systematics of the Central Library consists of a capital letter followed by a number.
Example: U9 =Marketing: Distribution Costs - A system location of the former systematics of the Social and Health Services Library consists of a capital letter followed by one to two lowercase letters and, if applicable, one to three numbers.
Example: Fmk2 =Law: Youth Employment Law
You can use the system places especially of the Regensburg Union Classification (RVK) for your research in the Online Library Catalog (OPAC) by entering them there e.g. in the search over several fields in the field Notation.
The system locations of the three classification systems can be found in the signatures on the books and in the online catalog (OPAC). Here they serve as an element of the systematic listing.
Opening hours
The current opening hours of the sub-libraries can be found on our Opening Hours page, where you will also find information on changes to the opening hours.
Online information
You can also send us questions via our contact form for e-mail-based online information.
Of course, you can also send us suggestions, requests or criticism in this way.
Local Lending
... means borrowing books, periodicals and media from the holdings of the library in which you are registered as a reader. When we talk about local lending, therefore means your borrowing from the holdings of our sub-libraries.
To access your personal data in the online library catalog (OPAC) you need a password. The default is the user number (which is the six-digit number under the barcode of the Studicard or guest card). We recommend that you change this preset password via your user account to protect your data.
You increase the security of your password by:
- a minimum length of six, rather eight characters
- the use of upper and lower case letters
- using numbers and special characters
- avoiding real words (especially names) e.g. by using the first letters of the words of a short sentence.
If you have forgotten your password, contact us and we will reset your password to the default .
You can also return borrowed media to us by mail . Please note, however, that the shipping risk lies with you and you must pay compensation for media lost in the mail.
Presence stocks
The following collections are excluded from lending and can only be used in the rooms of the respective branch library:
- important reference works and one copy each of multiple textbooks that should be permanently available
- Loose-leaf collections
- Journal issues of the current year
- bound journal volumes
- newspapers
- Tests (loaned to education staff only)
- Books from semester collections
- all holdings of the East Asia Institute Branch Library
Reference collections of the Central Library and the Departmental Library of Social and Health Services are identified by a red band on the upper spine, a red stripe above the shelfmark or a red shelfmark .
In the copy display in the online library catalog (OPAC) , you can recognize these holdings by the loan status "Present copy" or "No loan".
Overnight or weekend lending of reference collections is possible if necessary. Loose-leaf collections are excluded from this option.
Publications by educators
You can find a list of publications by full-time lecturers in the University Library's collection on our page Publications by our lecturers.
You will receive receipts for the return of borrowed media and the payment of fees incurred (on request when returning media at the counter). Please check these immediately, as later complaints are difficult to trace.
Legal basis
The use of the library is based on our user and fee regulations.
Regensburg Composite Classification (RVK)
Since mid-2012, our library has been using the Regensburg Union Classification (RVK), which is widely used in academic libraries, to index the content and systematically list its holdings. The reclassification and listing of the majority of our media units according to RVK, which has been carried out since 2012, was completed in 2015. The former classifications of our three library locations have thus been completely or largely replaced; two of the former classifications are still used for the listing of a small part of our total holdings (older, low-use books of the Central Library and the Specialist Library of Social and Health Services) in our closed stacks.
The RVK is an instrument with which we can carry out subject indexing in a more contemporary and rational way than was possible on the basis of the three old house classifications. Among other things, we can now make newly acquired books available to you even faster than before, because we often use external services for our classification work.
With the change to the RVK as the only classification system and common basis for our open access classification, we make it easier and faster for you to find literature. In the planned new university building, in which the partial libraries will then be merged, literature that belongs together in terms of content will ultimately not be presented to you in different places, but rather spatially as close together as possible.
Return of media
You can return borrowed media only to the location of our library where you borrowed them. After consultation with the senior librarian, you may deviate from this rule.
You may incur overdue fines if you return items late.
Media can be returned at the check-out counter or at the self-check-out machine (only available in the Central Library and in the Social and Health Services Library).
In the Social and Health Services Library, a media return box is available for media returns outside opening hours.
If you return borrowed media by mail after consultation with the library (!), please note that the shipping risk lies with you and you must replace media that are lost in the mail. Please also note that the loan period will continue to run for the duration of the mailing and you may thus incur overdue fines.
Recalls of borrowed media are mainly made in the case of interlibrary loans. If the lending library recalls an item obtained via interlibrary loan for which you have received a loan period extension, the loan period for this item will be shortened.
You will be informed by e-mail about the new, shortened loan period.
Keywords describe the content of a document on the basis of a standardized list of terms. They are assigned on the basis of a content analysis by experts in compliance with agreed regulations (e.g. RSWK = rules for the subject headings catalog). Subject headings offer the possibility of carrying out systematic research on a topic, e.g. in a library catalog or a bibliographic database. Subject headings do not have to appear in the documents themselves and therefore often differ from keywords.
Lockers are available for free use in all sub-libraries.
In the East Asia Institute Library you can get a key at the information desk for a deposit.
The lockers in front of the libraries in Ernst-Boehe-Straße and Maxstraße are locked and opened with the StudiCard. You can find more detailed information about this on an instruction manual posted in the locker area or directly available here .
If lockers are occupied longer than until 24:00, they will be automatically locked. - The locker can then only be unlocked by library staff.
A self-checkout terminal is available in the Central Library and in the Social and Health Services Library. During opening hours, you can check out and return media and extend loan periods for borrowed books.
You will need your valid StudiCard, your employee ID card or your guest card to book loans and extend loan periods. It is not possible to make loan reservations if your account is blocked due to overdue media returns or outstanding fees.
A receipt for all bookings will be sent to you automatically by e-mail. In case of doubt, you can only prove that a borrowed item has been returned by means of the corresponding receipt.
If you have any questions about self-checkout, please contact the library staff.
The Social and Health Services Branch Library sets up course reserves for courses in Department IV and places them in its PC area.
Books that are in course reserves are always kept available.
You can find a current overview of the course reserves on our course reserves page. You can use direct links to list the literature recommended for the individual courses of study in printed or electronic form in our online library catalog. The OPAC copy information for individual titles will tell you whether there are other copies available for loan in addition to the one currently held.
The signature (a combination of letters and numbers) on a book, DVD, etc., as well as in the copy data in the online catalog, primarily identifies the exact location of the respective media unit in the library.
If you find a "(local) signature" e-book via VPN or essay via VPN for a title in our catalog, this indicates that the respective document is an electronic book or dependent literature.
Subito is a fee-based and fast document delivery service of academic libraries from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Subito offers access to copies from printed journals or books as well as (via participating libraries or to the end customer directly) the delivery of books for lending.
The library of the University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen does not participate in Subito, i.e. its holdings cannot be ordered via Subito and it does not act as an intermediary.
You can safely store your bags in lockers in all part libraries.
Partial libraries
The library of the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences is composed of three sub-libraries:
Location | Collection focus | |
Central Library | Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4, Building B, Ground floor | Business administration and related subjects |
Special library social and health care | Maxstraße 29, first floor | Social work, nursing, nursing education and related fields |
Library in the East Asia Institute | Rheinpromenade 12, 2nd upper floor | Economics of the countries of East and Southeast Asia |
See our Library Information page for our contact information.
Transport baskets
In the Central Library, transparent baskets are available near the entrance for you to carry around the library.
Please always put the baskets back after use!
Overnight and weekend lending
Reference collections from our specialist libraries for economics (Ernst-Boehe-Straße) and social and health services (Maxstraße) can be borrowed overnight or over a Sunday or public holiday from one opening day to the next.
To ensure that these media are accessible to users on site, they can only be picked up immediately before closing and must be returned to on the next opening day immediately after opening.
The reference holdings of the library in the East Asia Institute (Rheinpromenade) cannot be borrowed overnight, over the weekend or on public holidays!
Use Mannheim University Library
Members of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society can borrow from the Mannheim University Library without a user fee and access the databases and electronic full texts licensed by the University Library on the campus of the University of Mannheim.
Please see our brief information about Mannheim University Library and its use by members of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society.
Individual reproductions of a work by a natural person for private use on any medium are permitted, provided they do not serve either direct or indirect commercial purposes(Section 53.1 UrhG). Further information on the reproduction of protected works for your own non-commercial academic research in accordance with Section 60c UrhG can be found in the relevant information sheet from the Legal Commission of the German Library Association. Please refer to the chart of Osnabrück University to find out which materials may be made available electronically in university teaching.
Union catalogs
A union catalog lists the holdings of several libraries in one database or under one interface. There are regional, national and subject-specific union catalogs. The participating institutions are predominantly academic libraries. Union catalogs are especially interesting for finding location references and facilitate and accelerate the process of interlibrary loan orders.
Behavior in the library
The library should be a pleasant and quiet place to study and work for all users.
Your behavior has a significant influence on the working atmosphere in the library. We therefore ask for your personal support by observing a few basic regulations:
- Overclothing, umbrellas and bags may not be taken into the library and must be stowed in the lockers provided before entering the library.
- Eating and drinking from open containers is not permitted in the library .
- Smoking is prohibited in the entire university library.
- Cell phones must be muted. Using cell phones or IP telephony (e.g. Skype) is prohibited within the library premises.
- In the interest of everyone, conversations must always be conducted quietly.
- Please behave in such a way that library media, facilities and equipment are not damaged or soiled.
Shortened loan period for multiple reserved books
The loan period is usually 28 days. A shortened loan period of 14 days applies to books that have been reserved several times.
Extension of the loan period
The loan period of a media unit borrowed from our holdings can be extended by 28 days as long as no other user has pre-ordered the medium in question.
You can extend loan periods via the self-service function user card in our online library catalog (OPAC). In the Central Library and in the Social and Health Services Library, you can also extend loan periods at the self-check-out stations available there. In justified exceptional cases, you can request renewals by telephone or e-mail.
Items borrowed from our holdings for which the loan period has been extended must be returned before the expiration of the period if the library requests them.
The loan period of a media unit obtained via interlibrary loan can generally be extended once, but you cannot do this independently via your user account or at the self-checkout machine. - Please contact us a few days before the return date with your request to extend the loan period (e.g. via our online information service). We will then ask the lending library whether an extension is possible and arrange it if necessary.
Virtual private network (VPN)
In order to use our licensed databases, electronic journals and newspapers as well as e-books from outside the university campus, you need access to the university network. Our IT Service Center offers this to university members via a VPN connection. For more information on installing the client and logging in, please refer to the IT Service Center's instructions for setting up a VPN . If you have any questions or problems with your VPN connection, please contact the IT Service Center directly.
If you have found an item in our catalog that is currently on loan, you can reserve it yourself for loan ( Reserve button in the copy list). With your reservation, the current borrower of the media unit is deprived of the possibility to extend the loan period.
If there are several reservations of a borrowed medium at the same time, the possible loan period for this medium is reduced to 14 days.
If you would like to borrow a medium that we have ordered from the bookstore and that is not yet available after it has been received by the library and processed, we will be happy to reserve it for you. Please inform us of your reservation request by telephone, e-mail or in person.
As soon as an item you have reserved is available, it will be made available for you to check out for one week. You will be automatically notified by email that you can pick it up and at which of our library locations.
You can delete reservations that you no longer need yourself via your user account.
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
Secure access to WLAN is provided by Education Roaming (eduroam) at our university and other educational institutions.
Instructions for eduroam WLAN use that apply to members of the Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences can be found on the page Instructions-WLAN Eduroam of our IT-Service-Center.
Scientific work
Information and links to tools for your scientific work can be found on our page Scientific work and literature management.
The issues of the current year of subscribed journals are mainly located in journal racks. Older stocks are partly located in the magazine.
Our page Verzeichnis Print-Zeitschriften provides comprehensive information about our holdings of printed journals, with precise location details. For information on our holdings of electronic journals, please visit our Electronic Journals page.

The current issues of the following newspapers are available in the reading room of the branch libraries. The newspapers of the Central Library are archived for at least a few weeks and at most for the current year, the newspapers of the other branch libraries are not.
Central Library | Social and Health Sciences Library | East Asia Institute Branch Library |
Electronic newspapers to which you have access can be found on our page Departmental Information > General / Interdisciplinary under Selected Press Sources, via our Database Information System (DBIS) and via our Electronic Journals Library (EZB).
Access to licensed digital offerings
You can use our licensed resources - databases, e-books, e-journals, e-papers - on all PCs on campus as well as within the university's IP address range with your own terminal devices via the Wireless Local Area Network (W-LAN).
University employees can also access licensed resources (with a few exceptions) from home.
For more information, see our Access to Licensed Digital Resources page.