Social and health care
We have put together some tools to help you search for and obtain literature and information on topics relating to social work and nursing as well as relevant aspects from other fields:
- Instruments for searching our holdings and for obtaining literature via the university library,
- subject-relevant bibliographic, full-text and factual databases (podcasts and other resources that you can use to learn how to use individual databases independently are listed where available),
- subject-relevant electronic journals and
- selected dictionaries, encyclopaedias, reference works and subject portals or virtual subject libraries.
Academic search engines can be found on our page Subject-related information > General / Interdisciplinary, recommended resources for academic work on our page Academic work and literature management.
Prove library holdings - Procure literature
Online library catalog<x-cl> (OPAC)</x-cl>
To find out whether certain books you are looking for are in our library collection, you can search our catalog for specific author names, titles or ISBNs.
To find literature on a specific topic, you can search by keyword.
If a media unit you require and which is in our stock is currently on loan, as can be seen from the copy data, you can reserve it online for loan.
You can find e-books in our catalog by adding the keyword e-book to your search terms. Our eOPAC is also suitable for subject-specific e-book searches.
Please note: You can only access the eOPAC and the full texts of licensed e-books from off campus by dialing into the campus network via Virtual Private Network (VPN). You can find out more about VPN on our page External access to electronic resources.
If you are missing a specific medium in our collection, please send us a suggestion for a new acquisition to .
You have become aware of an article and would like to know whether the journal and the specific issue in which the article is located is in our library's holdings. - For the area of print journals, you can clarify this well via our Print Journals page.
For the systematic identification of journal articles on a specific topic, the relevant databases are particularly useful.
Via our Electronic Journals Library (EZB) you can search a large number of international electronic full-text journals on all subject areas and access the full texts of e-journals released in the campus network and of e-journals generally freely accessible on the web. In the case of electronic full-text journals that are not accessible, you often at least have the option of viewing abstracts and tables of contents.
For specific searches of certain electronic journals, please use the simple search offered in the Electronic Journals Library (search slot "quick search") or the advanced search.
Please note: From outside the campus area, you can only access full-text e-journals that require a license and are activated campus-wide by dialing into the campus network via Virtual Private Network (VPN). You can find out more about VPN on our page External access to electronic resources.
For a systematic search of journal articles on a specific topic, please use the relevant databases.
Further down this page, we would like to introduce you to the range of electronic journals relevant to social work and nursing.
Search databases in our database information system (DBIS). Via DBIS you can get very good information on the content of individual resources. As far as databases are unlocked for you to use or are generally freely available on the web, you can access them directly via DBIS.
Please note: From outside the campus area, you can only use databases that require a license and are available campus-wide at by dialing into the campus network via Virtual Private Network (VPN). For more information on VPN, see our External Access to Electronic Resources page.
Detailed information ondatabases relevant to social work and nursing is available further down this page.
In addition to querying the holdings of our university library, you can use the metasearch of the Digital Library (DigiBib) to simultaneously search, among other things, in catalogs of the region and union catalogs via a search mask.
Further resources for finding subject-relevant materials of all kinds (books, data carriers, e-books ...) in the holdings of other libraries can be found on our Other Catalogs page.
Books, articles ... that we do not have in our collections can usually be obtained via interlibrary loan. You can find more information about this on our page Interlibrary Loan.
Bibliographic, full text and factual databases
In the following, we have compiled for you campus-wide license-required databases and selected databases freely accessible on the web that are relevant to social work and nursing, arranged according to the subject areas of social work / social sciences, education, psychology, politics, law, nursing science / medicine, history and theology.
In addition to being able to access the listed databases directly from this page, you will also find links to database detail information in our database information system (DBIS) in each case, as well as to e-learning resources where available.
Please note: From off-campus, you can only access our databases requiring a license by dialing into the campus network via Virtual Private Network (VPN).
Social work / social sciences
Important databases with social science and social work-related content:
- WISO (campus license)
You can access information on this database in DBIS
You can find an e-learning offer for this database on our e-learning page - SpringerLink (campus license)
You can access information on this database in DBIS
You can find an e-learning offer for this database on our e-learning page - Web of Science (campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
E-learning offers for this database can be found on our E-Learning page - Annual Reviews(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - Cambridge Journals Digital Archive(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - DeGryter Online / Research Now E-Journals(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
E-Learning offers for this database can be found on our E-Learning page - Periodicals Index Online(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
E-learning offers for this database can be found on our E-Learning page - Sage Journals Online(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
You can find information on this database in DBIS
You can find an e-learning offer for this database on our e-learning page - Ariadne
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - GeroLit - Gerontological literature
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - Gender Research Database, GReTA
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - Catalog of the Library of the German Center for Addiction Issues
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - Catalog of the library of the Kuratorium Deutsche Altershilfe
- Mannheim Center for European Social Research - Library catalog
- Publications on social work
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - Rehadat
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - Zeitschriftendokumentation Sozialwesen/Pflege der Caritas-Bibliothek Freiburg
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
Use our database information system (DBIS) for information on other databases with social science content that you can access.
Important databases with educational science content:
- Enzyklopädie Erziehungswissenschaft Online (campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - Sage Journals Online(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
You can access information on this database in DBIS
You can find an e-learning offer for this database on our e-learning page - bidok - Disability Integration and Documentation
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - Educational media database - lists audiovisual media
- Deutscher Bildungsserver
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - ERIC - Education Resources Information Center (English-language)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
You can find an e-learning offer for this database on our e-learning page - Fachinformationssystem Bildung
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
E-learning offers for this database can be found on our E-learning page - Rehadat
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
Use our database information system (DBIS) for information on other databases with educational science content that you can access.
Important databases with psychological content:
- PSYNDEX (campus license)
You can access information on this database in DBIS - SpringerLink (campus license)
You can access information on this database in DBIS
You can find an e-learning offer for this database on our e-learning page - Web of Science (campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
E-learning offers for this database can be found on our E-Learning page - Annual Reviews Electronic Back Volume Collection(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - Sage Journals Online(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
An e-learning offer for this database can be found on our e-learning page - Taylor & Francis Online Archives(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
Use our database information system (DBIS) for information on other databases with psychological content that you can access.
Databases with political science content:
- WISO (campus license)
You can access information on this database in DBIS
You can find an e-learning offer for this database on our e-learning page
Use our database information system (DBIS) for information on other databases with political science content that you can access.
Important databases with legal content:
- Beck Online (campus license, not via VPN)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
E-learning offers for this database can be found on our E-Learning page - SpringerLink (campus license)
You can access information on this database in DBIS
You can find an e-learning offer for this database on our e-learning page - DeGryter Online / Research Now E-Journals(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
E-learning offers for this database can be found on our E-Learning page - Periodicals Index Online(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
E-learning offers for this database can be found on our e-learning page - KrimDok
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
Use our database information system (DBIS) for information on other databases with legal content that you can access.
Nursing science / medicine
Important and recommended databases with nursing science and medical content:
- CareLit (campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
E-learning offers for this database can be found on our e-learning page - CINAHL (campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
E-learning offers for this database can be found on our E-Learning page - The Cochrane Library (campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
E-learning offers on this database can be found on our E-learning page - SpringerLink (campus license)
You can access information on this database in DBIS
You can find an e-learning offer for this database on our e-learning page - Web of Science (campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
E-learning offers for this database can be found on our E-Learning page
- APS Journal Legacy Content(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - Annual Reviews(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - BioOne Online Journals(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
E-learning offers for this database can be found on our E-Learning page - BIOSIS Previews(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - British Medical Journals(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
E-Learning offers for this database can be found on our E-Learning page - DeGruyter Online / Research Now E-Journals(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
E-learning offers for this database can be found on our E-Learning page - BSCOhost eBook Collection(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
E-learning offers for this database can be found on our E-Learning page - Elsevier Journal Backfiles(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
E-learning offers for this database can be found on our E-Learning page - Emerald Fulltext Archive Database(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
E-learning offers for this database can be found on our E-Learning page - Informa Healthcare Digital Archive(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - Karger Journals / Karger Journals Archive(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - Liebert on Line Archive(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 'LWW Legacy Archive'(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - Oxford Journals Digital Archive(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - Sage Journals Online(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
E-learning offers for this database can be found on our E-Learning page - Science / Science Classic Archive(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - Springer eBooks Medicine(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - SpringerLink / Springer Online Journal Archives(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - Taylor & Francis Online Archives(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - Thieme Connect / Thieme Zeitschriftenarchive(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - Wiley Online Library / Blackwell Publishing Journal Backfiles(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - World Biographical Information System Online(DFG-funded national license, campus license)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - BioMed Central
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - Current Contents Medicine (CCMed)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - DIMDI - Datenbankrecherche
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - ETHMED - ETHik in der MEDizin
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - GeroLit - Gerontological Literature
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - HECLINET - Health Care Literature Information Network
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - LIVIVO - The Search Portal for Life Sciences
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - PubMed (FreeMedline - MEDical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System OnLINE)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - SOMED - Social Medicine
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - Zeitschriftendokumentation Sozialwesen/Pflege der Caritas-Bibliothek
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
Use our database information system (DBIS) for information on other databases with medical and care-related content that you can access.
Our database information system (DBIS) provides information on databases with historical content that are accessible to you.
Databases with theological and religious studies content:
- Index theologicus (IxTheo)
Information on this database can be found in DBIS - Theology and Peace
Information on this database can be found in DBIS
Use our database information system (DBIS) for information on other databases with theological and religious studies content that you can access.
Subject-relevant electronic full-text journals
By subject area, we have provided links below to lists of campus-wide licensed or freely web-accessible full-text electronic journals in our Electronic Journals Library (EZB):
Selected dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference works
- Becker's lexicon of abbreviations of medical terms
- Database on music and dance in art (indexing and indexing of music and dance representations in the field of fine arts and crafts)
- Encyclopedia of Educational Science Online (prepares the available knowledge of educational science in the form of handbook articles)
- Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Law (German-language encyclopedia of philosophy oflaw )
- Encyclopediaof Marxism (English-language encyclopedia on Marxism and the labor movement)
- Encyclopediaof Psychology (covers all disciplines of psychology)
- Fachgebärdenlexikon Sozialarbeit/Sozialpädagogik (explanation of technical terms either in German written language or in sign language, indication of subject or subgroups, English translation or paraphrase, synonymous terms)
- Fachgebärdenlexikon Psychologie (lexicon for the deaf with signs for terms from seven basic subjects of psychology)
- Flexikon (Wikipedia-like free knowledge collection for the field of medicine)
- Hexal English Dictionary Medicine
- Lexika / Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung (information about terms, persons, countries and institutions from politics, economy and culture)
- Lexicon of Christian morality
- Lexicon of sustainability
- Der Neue Fischer-Weltalmanach (reference work on current affairs, provides information on politics, economy, environment, culture, etc. of all countries of the world)
- Online Handbook Demography (provides information on population dynamics, population policy, population science, demographic development)
- Online encyclopedia foreigners - xenophobia - extremism
- - the online dictionary
- Rehadat (information system for vocational rehabilitation)
- Roche-Lexicon Medicine 5th edition
- Thesaurus Ethics in the Life Sciences
Selected subject portals and virtual subject libraries
- Ariadne (specialist portal for women's and gender studies, which offers access to a bibliographic database with articles on women's and gender studies)
- Dadalos education server (the German part of the international UNESCO education server)
- Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (portal for a range of online offers and specialist databases of the Federal Center for Health Education)
- Federal Agency for Civic Education
- German Society for Social Work
- German Education Server (the German Education Server is an information portal on the German federal education system supported by the federal and state governments and is produced by the German Institute for International Educational Research)
- Digitales Deutsches Frauenarchiv (DDF) (specialist portal on the history of German women's movements with selected sources on the history of women's movements in digitalized form)
- Documents / German Bundestag (databases and minutes)
- Specialist portal for child and youth welfare
- FachportalPädagogik (the Fachportal Pädagogik is the central access point to educational science information for educators from research and practice)
- Social work and politics
- Social work and law portal
- Subject portal social pedagogy
- Informationssystem Medienpädagogik (specialized portal for media and information literacy)
- KIBB : Communication and Information System for Vocational Education and Training (knowledge management system for German vocational training research)
- Lernen aus der Geschichte: Lehren & Lernen (collection of teaching materials and suggested methods with a focus on National Socialism for teachers and educators)
- Lernräume Aktuell (collection of examples of educational architecture that promotes contemporary learning and teaching)
- LIVIVO (search portal for life sciences)
- LOTSE : Library Online Tour and Self-Paced Education (navigation and training system that provides help in learning scientific working techniques and supports all steps of learning, research and education)
- Network Migration in Europe (platform for migration research and practice, offers extensive information on migration, integration and immigration policy worldwide)
- OECD iLibrary (portal for online publications of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, provides access to all OECD studies and statistics and can be considered one of the largest online libraries for data and analyses on the economy, society and the environment)
- (specialist portal for healthcare professions)
- Philosophical audio library (audio documents with philosophical content in MP3 format)
- Social work network
- Social economy
- SOWIPORT (specialist social science portal with information from national and international providers. Sowiport contains references to publications and research projects from 18 databases as well as other information services that can be searched simultaneously via a cross-database search query at )
- (information portal for theater in science and practice)
- Virtual Libraryof Musicology (information portal for music and musicology)
- Virtual Library ofPsychology (portal for information sources in psychology)
- VirtualLaw Library (access to specialized legal information on the Internet)
- WHO Statistical Information System (WHO statistics on health issues)
- Women's Studies Database (access to a wide range of information on women's and gender studies)
- Contemporary History Information System - Database (large collection of historically relevant websites with a focus on the field of contemporary history)