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Library information

The main task of the central library service facility is to provide members of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society with academic literature and information in analog and digital form and to support them in their studies, education and research. As a public institution, the university library is available to all interested parties from the region who wish to further their professional or private education and information.

We acquire and collect the media required for basic and further education in the departments of the university on all topics relating to business administration and health economics, the economy of the countries of East and South East Asia as well as social work, nursing science and nursing education.

In addition to its constantly expanding range of books and e-books (see new additions), library has numerous specialist journals in printed and electronic form, daily newspapers and important specialist databases available for use.


Locations: Addresses, directions, contact details

Library in figures - Data 2023

In the user areas of our three branch libraries (Specialized Libraries of Economics, Economics of the Countries of East Asia, Social and Health Sciences) we offer

  • on a total area of  1,194m2 
  • a good  113,000 printed books and journal volumes as well as
  • 196 current academic journals in printed form.

87% of the total stock of print media is freely accessible to library users.

The stock of commercially distributed e-books is around 64,000. Over 44,000 electronic journals and newspapers are available to members of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society in their entirety or for some of the published volumes.
University members have remote access to almost all electronic resources.

Users have 121 workstations at their disposal, including 28 computer workstations.

For further information, please consult the German Library Statistics (DBS).

Our university library consists of 2 sub-libraries (specialist libraries for economics, social and health sciences / economics of the countries of East Asia), whose holdings are listed in a joint online library catalog (OPAC).

Library locations:

  • University library
    (collection focus: Business administration and related fields, Social work, nursing science, nursing education and midwifery as well as aspects from neighboring disciplines such as sociology, educational science, psychology, law, medicine, etc.)
    Please note the opening hours at the Ernst-Boehe-Straße location)
  • Library at the East Asia Institute (OAI)
    (Collection focus: Economics of the countries of East and Southeast Asia.
    Please note the opening hours at the Rheinpromenade location)

How to reach our libraries(map):

Postal addressVisitor addressDirectionsInformation desk
Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
- Central Library -
Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4
67059 Ludwigshafen
Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4
67059 Ludwigshafen
Google Maps
You can reach the Central Library by public transport via the bus stop "LU Hochschule" with bus lines 75, 76 and 78.Phone: +49 (0) 621/5203 - 141
Fax: +49 (0) 621/5203 - 227
bibliothek@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de
Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society
- Library in the East Asia Institute -
Rheinpromenade 12
67061 Ludwigshafen
Rheinpromenade 12
67061 Ludwigshafen
Google Maps


You can reach the library in the East Asia Institute by public transport via the stop "Berliner Platz" or the DB stop "Ludwigshafen-Mitte" after a walk of approx. 300 meters.Phone: +49 (0) 621/5203 - 420
Fax: +49 (0) 621/5203 - 477
foerst@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 oai.de


For more information about our university's library system, please visit our library's Wikipedia page.

The evolution of our Social and Health Services Library from its beginnings to 2018 is traced in the essay Bookcases at the Beginning (PDF, 315.8 kB).

About our library

Library holdings

In accordance with its mission, the university library acquires and collects media, particularly for the undergraduate and graduate programmes run by the departments of the university, at its three locations. Accordingly, you will find literature and information relating to ...

  • Business management and health economics,
  • Social work, nursing science and pedagogy, and
  • Business management and economics focusing on East and Southeast Asia.

Our print holdings, with more than 110,000 items, are continually updated.
In addition to books, we offer numerous journals in printed and electronic form, newspapers, access to important online databases as well as a continually growing collection of e-books.

Access to our material

The material in our collections is generally open to the public and arranged according to subject area. This gives you the possibility to browse for books directly at the shelves in addition to searching for literature using our online library catalogue (OPAC).


The university library comprises three collections at three different locations:

  • Central Library (Collection emphasis: Business management and related fields. Please note the opening hours at the Ernst-Boehe-Straße)
  • Social Work and Healthcare Library (Collection emphasis: Social work, nursing science and nursing pedagogy as well as selected literature from other related disciplines such as sociology, educational science, psychology, law, medicine, etc.  Please note the opening hours at the Maxstraße)
  • East AsiaInstitute Library (Collection emphasis: International Business management and East Asian Languages and Cultures. The East Asia Institute is a reference library. Please note the opening hours at the Rheinpromenade)

How to reach us (map):


Using public transportation


Central Library
Ernst-Boehe-Str. 4
67059 Ludwigshafen
Google Maps
Take bus lines 75, 76 or 78 to bus stop "LU Hochschule"   +49 (0) 621/5203 - 141bibliothek@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de
Social Work and Healthcare Library
Maxstr. 29
67059 Ludwigshafen
Google Maps
Take tram lines 4 or 10 or bus lines 90 and 6 to bus stop "Pfalzbau".   +49 (0) 621/5203 - 511bibliothekfb4@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 hwg-lu.de
East Asia Institute Library
Rheinpromenade 12
67061 Ludwigshafen
Google Maps
Take the tram or bus to "Berliner Platz" or the train to "Ludwigshafen-Mitte" and walk roughly 300 metres.  +49 (0) 621/5203 - 420 foerst@ 8< SPAM protection, please remove >8 oai.de

Opening hours

All opening hours in one content element (post-corona, semester break)

 Central Library

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
Tuesday, Friday
Saturday, Sunday
9:00 - 19:00
9:00 - 16:00

 Social Work and Healthcare Library

Monday, Thursday
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
Saturday, Sunday
9:00 - 20:00
9:00 - 16:00

 East Asia Institute Library

Monday - Thursday
Saturday, Sunday
9:00 - 16:00
9:00 - 15:00