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Template for checking the completeness of our test-migrated e-book data

The links below can be used to access the catalog records of our e-book acquisitions from mid-2022 to the first quarter of 2024.
The data should all have been transferred to Alma in full - i.e. with the portfolio - during the test migration.

The completeness of the data migration must be randomly checked in Primo. Complete means: The full text of a resource must be available for retrieval in Primo and it must be possible to open it from there.

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Electronic books

By the way, ...

... as a student of the University of Applied Sciences for Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, you can access the e-books licensed by the Mannheim University Library free of charge on the campus of the University of Mannheim!
For the use of the Mannheim University Library by members of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, please note our ...

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