Archive of the notices of the university library
Valuable contribution to qualified literature research in health sciences: R e f H u n t e r
Manual in updated version published
Springer e-resources & outdated browsers
As of 31.05.2018, browser versions from before 2016 are no longer supported
E-books & Co: Searching for scientific full texts on the web
Five short videos on the topic of searching for freely accessible full texts now available!
Two new subject databases for our health-related study programs activated - Science Classiv Archive
Another new database offering: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 'Legacy Archive'
Essay and full-text database with medical content activated
New in our portfolio: BIOSIS Previews
Database of articles and specialist bibliography with, among other things, medical content activated
Additional subject databases for our health-related study programs activated
Liebert Online - LWW Legacy Archive - Thieme eJournal Backfiles
New databases in economics
Handbooks in Economics - Hoppenstedt Share Guide - International Monetary Fund Archive
Locker use with the StudiCard
StudiCard serves as a locker key in Ernst-Boehe-Straße and Maxstraße!
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