New e-books in the fourth quarter of 2018

Dear users of the Ludwigshafen University Library,
We are constantly updating and expanding our range of subject-relevant media for you. Thus, in the months of October to December 2018, many more e-texts have been added again, which you can search via our catalog and which are available to you in full text:
- beck-online
- Ciando e-books
- EBL Ebook Library
- Lambertus / Inclusion and work with the disabled
- OECD iLibrary
- Springer Business and Economics
- Springer Business & Management
- Springer Economics & Finance
- Springer Social Sciences and Law
- Springer Economics
- Other (open access publications, etc.)
The print books and DVDs we acquired in the fourth quarter of 2018 can be systematically listed in our catalog via our New Acquisitions page.
Enjoy browsing and reading!
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