E-book evidence in our catalog - New in the first quarter of 2022

Dear users of the Ludwigshafen University Library,
Our media offer is constantly updated and expanded. Thus, in the current first quarter of 2022, you will again find, among other things, many additional e-books in our catalog. As far as these e-books have already been provided by the respective publishers, they are available to you in full text, university members via VPN or password-supported log-in by the bank also from off campus:
- Beck-Online university module
- Ciando e-books
- EBL Ebook Library
- Nomos eLibrary
- OECD iLibrary
- Springer Business & Management
- Springer Economics & Finance
- Springer Education and Social Work
- Springer Medicine
- Springer Psychology
- Springer Social Sciences and Law
- Springer Economics
- Statista Dossiers
- UTB elibrary
- V&R elibrary
- Springer Nature Open Access Books
- Other (Open Access publications)
To find and access other subject-relevant electronic texts that are not listed in our catalog, please use in particular the full-text databases licensed by us.
Analog media (print media, DVDs) that we have acquired so far in the current first quarter of 2022 can be systematically listed in our catalog via our New Acquisitions page.
Enjoy browsing and reading!
Your library