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Media return box

Media units that you have borrowed from the Department IV - Social and Health Services Library can be returned to the media return box outside the library's opening hours and during the opening hours of the Maxstraße 29 building.

The media return box is located in the corridor in front of the Department IV branch library, to the left of the lockers.

The return box is emptied in the morning before the library opens and the contents are returned.

As a user, you are responsible for returning borrowed media on time. 

Please do not drop items in the box that you have obtained through interlibrary loan or borrowed from the Central Library collection. Please make sure that inserts cannot fall out of books.

When the return box is full, it will lock automatically. Please do not leave any media on the box then. - The return is always the responsibility of the borrower, the Department IV Branch Library assumes no liability for damaged or lost media units!

Information about the ...
